Thursday, December 08, 2005

Very late update.

Flickr: brobvision's photos tagged with garden All the above linked photos are from September 11th (I didn't think of the coincidence until now) they've been on my phone until now. Also from the same date are these shots of a bumblebee doing his job. I'd update properly but the garden is just a mass of dead stuff. Plus we had to bury one of the cats in there. Very sad.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Infamy: these ppl Linked to WTGG! - part 2

how to grow grass

Infamy: these ppl Linked to WTGG!

[digital.panic] -> Entertainment Daily

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

How much is your blog worth? - OMG!

My blog is worth $564.54.
How much is your blog worth?

Monday, September 26, 2005


This pumpkin was nibbled by a snail when it was smaller and as such is growing in 2 different sized halves. Weird, but cool. I can't seem to get this sunflower (its actually 2 planted very close together) to stand up straight. It's the biggest but not the tallest due to its stoop. A general overview. The pumpkin leaves really do cover the grass. This is the biggest pumpkin we have so far. It was pulling a sunflower down so I had to snip some of its talons/claws/branches/arms/whatever. This sunflower is weird, it has no petals. You can see our all-weather arm chair in the background there. We should really get rid of that. It'll smell soon. This was once something beautiful but thanks to Macro photography it is again! I really like this. It's a garden friend and a close up of one of the sunflowers. This is the most colourful of all the sunflowers. Plus look at the sun! Can you believe its late September! In England! FACTOID: The tallest sunflower is about 7 foot at the moment (I know cause I'm 6ft4 and its above me). FACTOID: The pumpkins WILL be delicous and whilst I won't be making the pumpkin pie I WILL be eating some to verify this factoid.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Theres a riot going on.

No pic by pic explanation. Looks good though eh?

Monday, August 29, 2005

day whenever

Garden looks better

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Dead grass

So I sprayed weedkiller and killed a bunch of grass, pretty smart!

Anyway some survived (see below) and I planted more. Other than that the scorching UK weather has meant things wilt or flourish. The pictures tell more than I ever could (it was dark when I took them though so they're a little out of focus).

Surviving grass up close

New and old (dead) grass up close

Longer view

Higher view!

Onion bud! I think this may be an onion flower, is there such a thing?

Onion (left) and a very busy pot of things that look like (but aren't) weeds.

I moved the camera whilst taking this but I like it.

I thought these tall things were gonna flower but I could be mistaken, still they look nice.

Forementioned busy pot

Wild Strawberries (left), big leafed thing and under the yellow shopping basket is mint (the basket is to stop the squirrel).

Here is where I moved the spinach to, they love it here. I also planted sweet chillis in the blank space.

The beginning stages of an pumpkin and some sunflowers that need replanting.

another (less focused) view of the above.