Day ??? - Long time...

I figured daily updates were pretty dull but I perhaps left it a little bit too long. Also most of these photos are quite old now. Anyway above we have a pot that looks far more crowded now. Lucky Clovers are fully out and it's great.

Some leafy bulb things groing.

Views of the grass - since this I've put weedkiller down and killed half the grass. It's bad. I sewed more tonight though, so have to see if it gets sorted before the end of summer.

Some different angles of a leafy thing thats growing at an angle.

Lucky Clover - which is now much bigger.

New plants have arrived - more of this in the next update

Sweet peas - protected from the squirrel - hopefully.

Spinach - I've since added a glass cover to protect from the squirrel.
I'll try not to leave it as long next time.
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